Current Issue

Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Published: 31.12.2023

Research Article

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International Journal of Poultry - Ornamental Birds Science and Technology (IJAPOB) aims to publish original, scientific and advanced technology research results on poultry and ornamental birds. Emphasis will be given to studies involving the fields of breeding, breeding, housing, mechanization, physiology, genetics and breeding, nutrition, food, behaviour and welfare, immune system, preventive hygiene, food technology and product management - function and use, and biotechnology, marketing in poultry and ornamental birds. The IJAPOB welcomes and publishes original research and review articles reporting basic and applied findings in these areas.

International Journal of Poultry - Ornamental Birds Science and Technology (IJAPOB);

- The journal is published twice a year in June and December.,

- An open access journal that publishes articles in Turkish and English.

- The content of International Journal of Poultry - Ornamental Birds Science and Technology (IJAPOB) is freely available online at and the authors reserve copyright of their articles. All articles submitted to the International Journal of Poultry - Ornamental Birds Science and Technology (IJAPOB) are published without any Article Processing Fee.